What Does it Mean to Live Holistically?

What does it meant to live holistically?

The Transformative Power of Holistic Therapy

If you've explored my website and perused the blog, you've seen me delve into specific holistic healing practices and how powerful they can be. But when we talk about living holistically, what do we really mean?

The term "holistic" has gained popularity in recent years, which can put it at risk of becoming a buzzword, its meaning skewed and misused. So in this blog post, let's strip it down to the essentials and get on the same page about what it really means to lead a holistic life.

What does "holistic" mean?

Ho-lis-tic (adj.): characterized by the belief that the parts of something are interconnected and can be explained only by reference to the whole.

In its essence, living holistically means embracing the interconnectedness of your mind, body, and spirit. Any therapy described as holistic is one that approaches healing through the whole person. That means instead of just focusing on the symptoms of one singular condition or disorder, we'll look at every aspect of your life.

Life is rich and complex. That's why your well-being deserves diverse interventions tailored to your unique needs. These treatments can be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual in nature. A holistic approach to wellness looks beyond surface-level problems and explores root causes, environmental factors , and personal histories that may influence your life.

Holistic Therapy Principles

Whole-Person Approach - Integrating mind, body, and spirit

Personalized - Treatments are tailored to your needs and preferences

Integrated modalities - We combine approaches for a synergistic treatment plan

Preventative - We go beyond symptom management and address underlying causes to prevent further ailments

Self-Empowered - You're encouraged to take an active role in your healing through self-awareness and self-care practices

What isn't holistic?

Have you ever been drawn to a food or skincare product marketed as "all-natural," only to discover that it's anything but? Companies everywhere can falsely promote their products as all-natural, despite being chock-full of synthetic ingredients .

Similarly, some companies may label their products or services as "holistic" without truly embodying the principles. The term can spark the belief that what you're buying is healthy and natural, but slapping it on a label doesn't make it so.

It's important to remember that a holistic lifestyle can't be bought or sold. No quick-fix product can "turn" your life into a holistic one. It takes getting in touch with your needs, physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, and honoring those needs over time through practices that serve your highest good.

Holistic vs. Alternative Medicine: Are Holistic and Alternative the Same?

Not quite. Alternative therapy is anything non-conventional or non-mainstream used in place of traditional Western medicine. Some examples include acupuncture, herbal medicine, homeopathy, and energy healing . Although it may include alternative treatments, holistic therapy is used alongside Western medicine and not in place of it.

Evidence for the effectiveness of an alternative therapy can vary depending on the treatment. Some have a strong evidence base supported by scientific research, while others may have limited or inconclusive evidence. What's most important, of course, is that you find the most suitable treatment for you. And any alternative treatment can be just one slice of your holistic therapy pie, so to speak.

Does Holistic Therapy Have a Spiritual Component?

You don't have to adhere to any particular spiritual practice or religious beliefs to participate in holistic therapy. No doctrine is prescribed here! Instead, a holistic therapy treatment makes space for you to incorporate and honor the spiritual beliefs you already hold, if any. At Élan we recognize that integrating spirituality in holistic therapy can highly enrich your healing experience . How this may look in your treatment is completely up to you.

What Can Be Treated Through Holistic Therapy?

Holistic therapy can effectively address a wide range of conditions, including stress, anxiety, depression, addiction, chronic pain, autoimmune diseases, digestive disorders, sleep issues, and more. You can learn more about the effectiveness of holistic therapy for mental health and more by visiting www.nccih.nih.gov, the official website of the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH). Their website offers comprehensive studies and evidence for the effectiveness of holistic practice in healthcare.

How Can I Live Holistically?

Leading a holistic lifestyle means attending to every facet of your being. Depending on whom you ask, holistic wellness can involve anywhere from four to eight pillars. These include physical, nutritional, emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual, financial, and environmental.

The visual representation of the wellness wheel below shows how influential each pillar is to our well-being. However, what's difficult to depict in a chart is just how interconnected these pillars are. Enhancing one pillar can have a positive effect on the rest of them.

What Does It Mean To Live Holistically?

Say you enrich your physical healthy by increasing your movement, eating whole foods, and getting plenty of rest. You're likely to see improvements in your mood. Improving your mood can nurture your relationships and reduce stress-related physical health symptoms such as headaches or insomnia.

Fostering your spiritual wellness can bring inner peace and connectedness to your environment, inspiring you to practice eco-friendly habits and commune with nature. Engaging with your internal "yes" can lead you to a more fulfilling career path through which you can enhance your self-esteem and develop positive working relationships. The combination of ways to build a more holistic life is endless and entirely unique to you.

Is Holistic Therapy Right For Me?

Holistic therapy offers a safe, non-judgmental, and accepting environment that supports your journey toward self-discovery. You can find healing, empowerment, and support in developing a long-term holistic lifestyle. Together we'll consider all aspects of your life and generate a customized plan that addresses your specific needs, wants, and goals.

If you’re ready to reap the benefits of holistic therapy, Élan Integrative Mind Body Solutions can guide you through the process. You can learn more about my counseling modalities by reading my blog posts on Compassionate Inquiry and Internal Family Systems. Take a look at my counseling services, and feel free to INQUIRE if you have questions or see a program that speaks to you. It's my delight to offer you support, resources, and tools to help you harness holistic principles and achieve your highest potential.


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